Tuesday, September 11, 2012

my 9/11/12 devotional with my children

My 9/11/2012 devotional with my children

Despite sounding like a man when I talked to them in which they love teasing me about, I was able to teach my kids thru 9/11 an evangelism lesson....really bringing it close to home....to their world. Sad part is, many of them at their age do not really know what happened that day outside "media". Many do not care. Hearing my kids talk about the moment of silence today, most kids giggled during it, teachers did nothing! What an opportunity I took with my kids. I was not going to waste it. Why do we still talk about it??? Freedom! I told my kids, do you not understand what happened that day really? They said no! We see pics, but we were 1&3. So I told them....then without thinking said this...as those people jumped because those flames are so hot, do you have friends that are not saved? They said yes. I want you to think about this...picture them. Those flames were hot, but HELL will be much hotter. Ya know, sometimes, we go about our day and forget that we may be the only people our friends come in contact with, or even a store cashier, a teacher.....and we need to live our lives differently....set apart. That does not mean we are perfect, just forgiven.  We may be the only light they see leading them to the only hand that can save them from flames that will be hotter then those of the burning flames that were in the world trade centers that day and I can only imagine how hot they were.  Why do you think Mom is taking her involvement in I am Second so seriously, or in just making a difference in home, with you?  I care so much about you both, about others and I want to make a difference so that if nothing else, others will at least know there is something different about me, God.  Katelyn, Karsten, I want you to Love God with all your heart and I want and know God has something wonderful planned for you. Just trust him with your life.  Katelyn, you told me tonight you want to go to other countries and make a difference, and money does not matter to you, you just want to go, reach others for Christ, and working with kids in other countries....I believe you can, but trust God, let him lead your life.  Karsten, God has plans for you too....just trust him.  But as Americans, yes we do need to help other countries. With our service of aide in times of trouble, and we need to pray for Godly leaders for this country who make Godly decisions....it is imperative! Yes Katelyn, most Americans are richer than they care to admit and we waste so much....and don't even see it.  We need to take care of families but we need to stop being so wasteful and that starts from top down in our government and yes, even our homes and that includes your mom.  Quite a 9/11 devotional huh?

1 comment:

  1. Yes, definitely. Each day we live, we are given breath by God. The purpose of each breath is to live for God. What about those who don't really think about that very often, if at all?

    The manner in which we present ourselves to others makes a huge difference. Unless they see something markedly different in us, and that something is loving, compelling, something they are missing, our lives may not be an influence in any kind of positive way for the kingdom of God.

    But in order that our lives are useful to God, we must first, ourselves, love God with our whole hearts, more than anything else. How else could we be as passionate about Him? But unless we allow Him to guide our steps, we are going to stumble, and be more of a snare than a help to Him.

    Therefore, Matthew 22:34-40 plays an absolutely essential role in the manner in which we go about expressing our faith. It should be mandatory reading for anyone who truly wants to be a witness for God and for His Son. Read what Jesus says. It merely repeats what Old Testament scripture says - BUT - Jesus reframes and puts the RIGHT priority to it. Should we do any differently?
